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Return To ShopTTD$399.00 Original price was: TTD$399.00 .TTD$335.00 Current price is: TTD$335.00 .
42 people are viewing this product right now
-Scruff-a-Luvs Sew Surprise lets you magically reveal a fashionable outfit for your mystery puppy or kitten and discover 10 surprises!
-Wash your scruffy matted pet to discover if you have a cute puppy or kitten to love and care for!
-Your Sew Surprise Scruff-a-Luvs comes with a magic sewing machine that reveals 3 different mystery clothing items!
-Use the spool of thread to discover which fashion item you reveal in your sewing machine.
-Groom your pet’s fur with the comb, then style your pet with fashionable accessories like a watch and glasses!
-There are 4 different stylish outfits to discover across the pink and purple packs.