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Return To ShopTTD$399.00 Original price was: TTD$399.00 .TTD$299.00 Current price is: TTD$299.00 .
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-The Magical Rainbow Deluxe Pack contains 5 exclusive Mixlings each with a unique Rainbow magical power.
-Use the included Wands and Accessories to reveal your Mixling’s magic!
-Glowlings magically glow in the dark. Lucklings reveal the fortune your child may soon receive. Loxies reveal their amazing hair. Aqua Chanjas change color. Flutterfliers can reveal their angel wings!
-Mix your potion in the Rainbow Cauldron to create a mystery Mixling.
-Discover 40+ Mixlings across the Crystal Woods Series. Collect the whole world of Magic Mixies Mixlings!